Your business relies on its website to send out your message to your customers. Employing efficient online marketing strategies in a diverse and competitive market requires making the best use of your website through the content you generate. The right content will draw your market in, but has to be constantly retold in new ways to keep your audience coming back.
Producing good content on your site requires than just getting your message out to your target audience. In our experience, it requires quality, and leveraging good content online helps to bring in leads, start conversions, and close more deals on sales. The standards for what good content is (and how it converts leads to sales) are constantly changing, but in 2017, here are some trends your business needs to adopt.
Content Diversity
Website content isn’t just composed of written text that goes into your blogs and articles. After all, your viewership isn’t entirely made up of readers who will patiently wade through pages and pages of text to find out what you’re offering. In our experience, successful online marketing requires embracing multimedia content creation in order to engage your audience.
Recently, multimedia content, such as videos, are a hit among several audiences. Not only does multimedia content entertain, but it’s also a great way to send out your business’ message. With product videos, tutorials, and FAQs (just to name a few) your audience connects with your brand in a faster and more exciting way, rather than just reading about your latest offers in a blog or on a page.
The best part? Multimedia content creation does not have to cost much, making it very budget-friendly. With the rise of the smartphone technology, shooting videos and uploading them to your channels can be done using with your phone’s camera and mobile apps.
Real Content for Real People
Online marketing is embracing the principle of creating real content for real people. In-depth content that is properly laid out, can be easily understood, uses clear language and utilizes high quality, inviting images to support the text is now shown to rank and convert well – even better than content that is aimed at ranking well on search, but flows poorly, is haphazardly arranged and reads awkwardly due to excessive use of common search phrases.
Crowd Source and Influence
Tell your customers you want to hear what they think. When you engage your customers in conversations, they become loyal patrons who will form part of your base following. If their experience with your business is positive, they’ll recommend you to their friends and family. Don’t be discouraged by negative feedback. This can help you weed out the issues that are causing negative experiences for your customers, and help you improve your business.